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The Portal of Alchemy celebrates it’s 10 year anniversary this year. My curiosity and intrigue started at a young age. Like most people, I tried all of the mainstream jobs that society and family expected of me, realising that this was not where MY happiness and success lied - I came to realize that being a healer was my true calling after my own awakening and have never looked back since then.


The road to becoming a healer is by no means easy, but boy-oh-boy, it's so rewarding, soul fulfilling. It makes my heart happy when I see how people shift, change and heal. 


I get to meet clients is that have gone through some sort of emotional trauma, a lot of people are in pain or in crisis or hurting in some way. And because of that, they don't always know which healing to come for. I ask my Spirit Guides what is most appropriate to start with and it is always for their highest good.


Sometimes we need to clear one thing before we can go onto the next thing. Like clearing chakra’s before we can continue with the Activations, and so I walk your Spiritual Journey with you, seeing your progress and growth for myself. And that is what I am here for, that's what I love to do. I will pick up what you need each step of the way. Shining the light so that you can see and showing you the way. 


The sooner we start, the quicker we can get you back to a healthy, stronger, more confident you!

Meet Fiona

- Alchemist - Starseed - Wayshower

Fiona van Rensburg

“In 2010 I took the leap of faith and left the security of work to go on my own. That was the best decision that I have ever made. Finally aligning my human part with my soul part being on the same path in the same direction. No more divided.”


  • After my awakening in 2001 and seeking I Certified as a Reiki Master (1 year training) 2007

  • Then Certified through the Pleiadean and Melchizedek teachings in

    • Merkabah Activations 2007

    • Archangel Connections and Attunements 2013

    • Certified DNA Reprogramming & Chakra Readings 2017

  • Became a Certified Applied Energy Healer (1 year training) 2011

  • Certified through MetaVarsity

    • Introduction to Metaphysics (6 months) 2017

    • Facilitator for MetaVarsity (6 months) 2017

  • Attended Sweat Lodges, Underwent multiple Healing sessions, Initiations, Ceremonies, Upgrades, and Cried, Cried, Cried and Cried some more… All in preparation of what I was meant to become, my most truest and authentic self.

  • Had to learn how to heal myself in order for one day when someone sits opposite me, for me to help them heal, because I’ve been there done that… I’ve personally healed from Trauma/Abuse/Death of a Loved one/Divorce/Heartache/Pain/ Sorrow/ Loss etc

  • Until I got to full acceptance and let go of my past and learned to move on…


I use my knowledge and experience of a variety of modalities with the assistance of my Spirit Teachers and Guides to effect personal transformation and healing in my clients.


—MOTTO: “Heal your Past, Live in the NOW and Dream your Future”




Galactic Name: Nan'kqin'anda (sounded Nanqwin Aahndah)


Soul Name: The Shining One who anchors in the Keys and Codes of the Divine Rays and that which pertains to the Ancient Rays who govern the cosmos and all of life, visible or invisible, as a transmitter soul for these – literally shining the Light so that others can see the way, as all the Shining Ones do.

The Soul Group Name:  The Shining Ones. 

The galaxy of origin is Pleiades with Orion and Lyra and the Milky Way Galaxy and Neptune in this Solar System. As my Starseed heritage


I am an old souls whom have had quite a few incarnations on planet earth.  As the Soul Group, The Shining Ones wish to end their involvement with planet earth, and move onto higher evolutionary states of Being and Serving, we came here to share our wisdom and light and end off this cycle.


My psychic abilities have opened to a much higher degree and  a lot of my own dormant soul memory banks have awoken along our own Ascension Path.    I am a master manifestor in my soul truth, and knows how to manifest applying the energies of the Master Rays.  In truth I belong to the High Order of the Wizards in the Pleiades and Lyra and Orion.  These souls are those with immensely powerful manifestation skills – as experienced in my first lifetime on earth at the time of Avalon. I work with the use of frequencies of light and sound and I transmit these. 


Merlin, or as he was known then, is one of these. 


I works in the inner planes with Archangel Raziel and Archangel Michael who works with alchemy and St. Germain and Lord Rekovsky, who was the teacher of St. Germain.  He is in charge of the Lords of Karma for this planet and thus is working closely with all of us, at this time. They do often appear as at her side prompting her. 


“I harmonize in order to reflect,
Modelling Order.
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness with the Galactic Tone of Integrity
I am Guided by the Power of Spirit”


My Mission Council is led by Divine Mother, with Lady Nada, Lady Mary, Lady Quan Yin, Lady Venus Star, Isis, Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya, Lord Melchizedek, Sananda, St Germaine, Djwal Khul, El Morya, Lord Kuthumi, Lord Buddha.


My Ascension Council consists of many legions of both Elohim and those of the Archangels, particularly Lord Michael, Zadkiel, Gabriel, Uriel, Jophiel with Melchizedek, Lord Melchior, St Germaine, Lady Mary, Divine Mother and Divine Father. ”


This lifetime I had to work through those negative patterns incurred with other souls.  This lifetime has been about standing my ground, and not buying into fear.  Of mastery the fine art of unconditional love and acceptance. Daring to be different and daring to stand fully in my own light and powers and not shrink away from doing so.  Speaking my truth, living my truth. Setting an example. 


I came to shine my light like all Shining Ones do.  As a wayshower. I am aware that I took on an immensely challenging life in order to shine all the brighter.  Through this I show others the way. 


The highest paths of purity has been demanded of me.  For any impurities will show up.  My light can only shine the brightest when the lenses are crystal clear, like crystal glass, and this is what life’s journeys helped me with. 


I choose to shine forth and do what needs to be done with great love and inspiration.  Fulfilling my life’s purpose by healing clients all over the world.

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