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Crystal Merkabah/Light Body Activation Part 1


With the help of my master set of activated crystals, I activate your Merkabah/ Light Body to the frequencies of the higher dimensions. 


Crystal Light Body/Merkabah Activations Level 1

With the help of my master set of activated crystals I activate your Merkabah/ Light Body to the frequencies of the higher dimensions. 


The Crystal Light Body Activation includes: 

  • Opening the Heart

  • Cocooning the body in the energy of Love

  • Activating the physical/etheric body with a core of Light

  • Activating the emotional body to the fifth dimension

  • Activating the mental body to the fifth dimension

  • Activating the Spiritual body to the frequency of the fifth dimension

  • Activating the prana flow

  • Activating cellular awareness


The Benefits of a Crystal Light Body Activation are: 

  • Acceleration of your Cosmic ascension process;

  • The ability to take control of your life energetically and view life through your Master Eyes;

  • Increased ESP skills such as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience;

  • Reconnection to your Soul family and friends of light;

  • Recalibration of your energy field and body; Moving into the heart;

  • Releasing of limiting patterns, behaviors, and addictions; and

  • A deep sense of Unity Consciousness.  


(For rates in South Africa email me)

Duration 1-2 hours | Fee US$400

Crystal Merkabah/Light Body Activation Part 2

Level 2

(once you have completed level 1)

Your 2nd Light Body activation is that it takes you deeper into unconditional love and experience Unity Consciousness, and it integrates your DNA to its original Divine DNA encodings. You have the ability to take your service work to a new level through illumination and manifestation, and connect to the higher dimensions.


Benefits of a Level II Activation are:

  • Acceleration of your Cosmic ascension process;

  • The ability to take control of your life energetically and view life through your Master Eyes;

  • Increased ESP skills such as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience;

  • Reconnection to your Soul family and friends of light;

  • Recalibration of your energy field and body;

  • Moving into the heart;

  • Releasing of limiting patterns, behaviors, and addictions; and

  • A deep sense of Unity Consciousness.

  • With this sixth dimensional activation, you have the ability to create Love, Light, joy, and harmony for yourself and all Life. You have the ability to take your Service work to a new level through illumination and manifestation and connect to the higher dimensions for assistance in your Service work and in your Life.

  • One of the many gifts of working with these Beings of Light from On High is the ability to experience different Chambers of Light. These Chambers of Light hold various frequencies of Light that can take the client into a deeper level of unconditional Love, as well as clear out old cellular patterns, false beliefs, and judgments to experience more of their multidimensional nature. As the sixth-dimensional frequency is one of Love, manifestation, and illumination, you are presented with two Chambers of Light that will assist in this sixth-dimensional activation. These two Chambers of Light are brought in specifically by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

  • The first Chamber is a Manifestation and Illumination Chamber of Light, which has the ability to assist the client to receive the Higher mind wisdom of Mother/Father God and to clear the negative ego and lower mind. Further to this, the client is able to step into a deeper level of being a co-creator and conscious manifestor in their Service work with the assistance of the Company of Heaven.

  • The second Chamber is a Cosmic Re-integration Chamber of Light. This Cosmic Re-Integration Chamber of Light takes all the Soul Consciousness aspects of the client at a multidimensional level and anchors them through the body, energy field, and hologram in this Now. This firstly assists in Soul retrieval, bringing back Soul fragments into the body, and equally important, allows the client to experience more of their multidimensional, and multifaceted nature at this moment.


(For rates in South Africa email me)


For more info, download the PDF

Duration 1-2 hours | Fee US$400
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Feedback from clients ...

“Hi Fiona, all the best on your new chapter.  I know a lot of people will benefit in your life as much as I have benefited from your contribution in my life. Once again thank you very much for playing a huge role in shaping my life to where it is today. You have immensely contributed to my journey of remembering who I am, and I’ll be forever grateful… the journey continues. God bless you. Wishing you all the best." - Sbonelo “(Kzn)


”Thank you so very much Fiona for the wonderful activation session we had today. To think you were brought to me through a meditation I did yesterday – I am still positively blown away by the magical connection that is available to us all. Since our session this morning, I am in a sense of euphoria and literally flying. Thank you sweet, beautiful light being that you are and thank you to the Divine. Bless you all  Looking forward to our next session.” -  Colette Leshem (in Insrael)


“Fiona performed a long-distance Merkabah activation on me, while I was in Dubai and she in South Africa, and I had a major breakthrough in my inner world as a result thereof. Each person I believe, is at a different level, experiencing his/her own phenomenon in terms of awareness. Fiona’s activations should be taken periodically, as the shift in awareness is an ongoing process. I highly recommend this unique experience. Fiona’s genuine interest, care and connectivity with her own energy, is the reason I trust her. Fiona’s talent to perform activations with positive results, are rare, and I’ve benefitted substantially.”  Maria Small – Dubai


+27 82 788 1413
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