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Past Life Regression
Healing Session


Past life regression


Past Life Regression Session is done by Fiona, taking you through multiple past lives wherein you may have had current life issues or lessons and healing it in that session. Thus healing across all time all space and all parallel realities. You’ll know that you have a Past Life/Parallel Reality problem if you have a deep-rooted fear about something and cannot trace the original fear to something
that happened in this lifetime. Ie.: You have a fear of driving or being in an accident or drowning.


I also help you release limiting and negative vows made in this lifetime and any other lifetime across all time all space and all parallel realities. Ie.: People don’t seem to realize the POWER of the Spoken Word. When we say I vow to never… Then that vow carries on from one lifetime to another lifetime. I had clients that said “I never want to have kids again” in a previous life after having difficulty handling 6 kids, and in this lifetime having difficulty falling pregnant. Some have had a life-time as a nun vowing celibacy and denouncing money and had sexual problems and couldn’t hold on-to money.

(For rates in South Africa email me)

Past Life Regression JHB

Whatever the issue, it can be cleared and released. And when it is done properly you won’t have a continuation of it in this lifetime.


A healing session could also incorporate one or more of the following if appropriate:

  • healing family issues

  • healing clearing and discontinuing negative patterns within the family lineage

  • cutting cords

  • clearing negative karma


All done across all time, space, and dimensions, in this lifetime any other lifetime, past lives/parallel and alternate realities.


We have the ability to clear it 7 generations forward and 7 generations backward.


Reasons for Regression:

  • Finding meaning and purpose to current life issues;

  • Finding relevance to current issues;

  • Facing past traumatic events to effect healing;

  • Bringing into consciousness past a-frame events that have been blocked by the sub-conscious mind, which can resolve current emotional trauma and behavior patterns that have been chronically adopted Acceleration of your Cosmic ascension process;

  • Releasing and clearing vows made in a previous life that impact on the current one.


Let me help you



Duration 1-2 hours | Fee US$200
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Feedback from clients ...

"Thanks for creating a safe, nurturing, respectful space for me to delve into past lives and explore themes that are relevant for where I am now. The insight I gained from the session has had far-reaching consequences, making me more comfortable in using my power for good instead of fearing the abuse of power. I’m still digesting everything and applying the learning to my life as I unfold day by day. Thanks for the beautiful work you do to support us becoming all we can be.”  - Berenice de La Croix


“My dearest Fiona, I don’t know where to start telling you and all who may be interested in my story. I have been on this journey for 25 years, but in the last months at the Portal of Alchemy, what I have learned here, is more than what I have learned in 25 years together. The Spiritual Growth has been phenomenal. Today I had a past life regression healing session with Fiona. All I can say is WOW! I went on the most amazing journey taking me full circle. Much crying, releasing and letting go of the many lives that were sad and grey and very lonely to the most incredible joy and light to moving into pure energy. What a feeling.
Thank you Fiona for being the most incredible teacher and healer. I see you as a true Being of Light
Love you, Beryl” - Beryl Doyle 


“Fiona I can’t explain the shift that took place after my past life regression. A very powerful and healing experience that was such an important step in my healing and spirtual journey. Thank you for guiding me through this process" - Candice King

+27 82 788 1413
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