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Beautiful Girl Playing with Mobile

10 Years

Hundreds of clients

Great experiences

+27 82 788 1413




“The experience was about connecting with the angels which is always amazing. I was given insights and despair turned into comfort and hope. I’ve already acted on some advice; other advice will take a bit longer to implement. The experience was intense and fulfilling. Let us all walk in the light. You go Fiona!” Carol Smythe

“Dear Fiona..Earth Angel

I would like to take this opportunity and thank you from the deepest part of my heart,for helping me to help myself by clearing, unblocking & balancing my Chakra..

The healing process was an exceptional experience because I didn’t know the amount of healing & forgiving I had to do. Your healing program has equipped me with a lot of knowledge,Joy & a lot of Peace..I Thank You so much

The Archangels workshop I don’t even know where to startThe knowledge & connections we did with all the Archangels was a lifetime experience & investment for myself Thank you..The fact that I was guided to you & received not only one but a bunch of keys for those locked doors that i must go & unlockwas just an Aha Moment for me…I couldn’t contain myself because of the amount of happiness & fulfillment I felt…Wooow Fiona you are just gifted & such an amazing special soul

I was overwhelmed with the fact that after being giving those keys …two doors opened already without even using the keys..what an honor & blessing

Am over the moon with the way everything went …the emptiness I’ve always felt,the doubts,fear…All has been healed & covered with LoveLight

Thank you so much

“Dear Fiona,

Hope that you are doing well.

When I first saw the Archangel Attunement Course, I thought Wow this is definitely something that I want to do.

Now that I have done the course I can’t comprehend in words as to how I have experienced this course, tears start to flow as soon as I think about it.

It is completely Magical and beyond anything that I have ever experienced before, such love, beautiful divine messages and gifts.

To know that I am now in tune with these Truly Divine Beings, I feel even more blessed each and every second of the day.

Thank-you so much for your Wisdom and Grace on Magnificent Course, I would recommended this to every person on Earth, it would make such a change in the Collective Conscious, it would be astounding.

To anyone thinking of doing this course, don’t hesitate, just do it!

Thank you for letting us also try all your oil and spray for each Archangel that we were Attuned to, was amazing, and something that will stay with me forever.

Cosmic True Golden Light and Love”


Enneagram Workshop Feedback

I took a great plunge in actually reaching out to Fiona for inputs. When this workshop was suggested, I initially felt I did not need it, but decided that is the part that i don’t know it may have value. It has been a HUGELY helpful, insightful and liberating experience. I am so grateful to Fiona and to the other participants for the wholesome and safe space in which alot of “hidden treasures” have been revealed. I can highly recommend the Enneagram Workshop to anyone. Come with the hunger to see deeper, understand more and grow. I am taking away a lot of value and it has been a great blessing to me and to others.” Theus B – Bryanston (8)

“I would absolutely recommend the Enneagram to everyone, whilst I’m still aware that not everyone is on the same learning plane, it clears up so many questions I have regarding myself and the people’s who’s numbers I immediately identified. Many people have been telling me why my relationships don’t work, and while I have always (mostly), as I’ve matured and grown through my journey, found myself to be grounded and fairly well balanced, I never grasped this idea of feeding to love myself more. I really didn’t know that I didn’t, or didn’t enough. The concept of projection was an a-ha moment for me, as a 2 I give off a very different message of being independent and not needy and therefore attracting neediness. My heart, despite me, yearns for love and I never understood how giving too much can be a sin. But after this weekend I am absolutely clear on how it has been to my detriment. I also understand the other people more clearly now and I cannot wait to go forward with the knowledge that I have now.” Robyn G – Bryanston (2)

“Despite knowing that we are all different, I tend to treat others as if they are exactly like me. This weekend has taught me new ways of interacting with others, so that our interactions can be more effective. On the other side, I now am more aware that others treat me as if I am like them, and this realization will lead to me being more tolerant and open to accepting others communication. Fiona is absolutely brilliant in her ability to pinpoint each participant’s strengths and challenges. Her intuition was spot-on, she really has found her calling! Thanks for a very entertaining and educational weekend Fiona.” Vanessa R – Bryanston  (5)

“It was an eye opener to learn about the different types of people we’re in contact with on this journey of life. I will use these tools, and recommend my family and friends to do this course.  I have learned more about myself and how to get myself to well-being. My heart-set, mind-set, soul-set have reached new peaks that I have all that I need in life. Thank you, thank you Fiona for the course. Afterwards more of my clients, parents, teachers and my family commented how I have changed. What a course. Wow.” Andrew S – Bryanston   (8)


“This was a very healing and insightful workshop. It helped me with understanding people’s characters and responses to different circumstances, based on our upbringing and different life lessons and experiences. The most interesting part for me was to gain a better understanding of myself and how to approach people and different circumstances going forward differently based on the wisdom gained from the Enneagram Personality Types. Thank you Fiona.” Celeste – Bryanston (6)

“Since doing Part 1 of the Enneagram Course, I have continued to be aware of my type and those of people in my personal life and it has made such a helpful difference. Now having done Part 2 of the Course has taken me an almost shocking level of New Insight! What a valuable life experience! Fiona, thank you for your generous sharing of knowledge, your direct and wise communication with your lovely sense of humor! My inner healing journey with you over the past couple of years has changed my life in indescribable ways. Thank you with all my heart!” Maria-Umhlanga (2)

“Part 1 – Very informative – a lot of information to digest. A fresh perspective on why, how and when on life and the people in it.
Part 2 – Loved this…. Very entertaining to learn more about intimate self – very on the point. We are all like pieces of puzzle and when placed correctly we all just fit into place. I now have the tools to deal with life better – I understand people in my life better. Thank you Fiona for all the aid you have given me over the years. And thank you for This Course. I don’t know what drove me to enroll for it – but I’m so glad I showed up. ” Nirusha – Umhlanga (9)

“So interesting how our behaviors are formed over time and how they end up often just being a cover-up for our deepest fear of being inadequate. We all feel it – we just cover it up differently” Erica – Umhlanga (2)

“It was a really valuable workshop for me. It highlighted my personal life situation to me. Also to understand the wounded child behavior more better now and be able to identify where my children are and how I can take the info back to help them. Also, being a ‘Heal Your Life’ Practitioner, gives me a better insight to understand the Personality Types and how I can deal with situations in a better way and assisting people to heal. Thank you Fiona ” Selvie – Umhlanga (2)

“I understand myself a lot better now. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be here today and learn about different types of people, including myself . Thank you very much . Learning and knowing the techniques of approaching problems is essential and dealing with problems in life. Gratitude ” Kwanda – Umhlanga

“Wow what a wonderful tool. I was really happy to do it with my daughter! It was so helpful being able to discuss people we know to identify the types. Thank you for a lovely day Fiona!” Maria – Umhlanga (2)

“Dear Fiona, I really enjoyed the Enneagram part 1 course. Going through all the numbers in such great detail created insights and I was able to identify not only myself but the people closest to me. Knowing what number these close people work from creates awareness when they act/behave in a certain way. I really enjoyed the workshop and look forward to part 2. Thanks again” Candice – Umhlanga (7)

“Very informative and interesting. Great resource to use. Grateful to hear different personality traits and that you can’t help in some cases to react the way you do. Relieved to learn not to take things personally and allow room to breathe… For yourself and others. Helpful to be more considerate and conscious towards others. ” Yvette – Bryanston (1)

” Today was a very useful session in ‘decluttering’ myself. Being able to recognize the catalytors of my anxieties is a deeply appreciated tool for my overall well being. Certainly an upgrade to the internal operating system” Charlene – Bryanston (1)

“I realize how I can be a better 2 by giving to myself. I also got to see other people I know and identify their types. Going forward I will try to identify people and use it to get the best of them. Also it will help me understand how they see things” Bhavini – Bryanston

“Today’s session taught me more about myself. It felt like we got dissected and zoomed in on ourselves. I also got to understand why I am the way I am and how why I react the way I do. I got to accept the way I am and it’s not right or wrong. I also got to understand the way others react. Thanks for sharing ” Bhavini – Bryanston (2)


” Holding up the mirror to yourself is both scary and liberating. I am grateful to myself and to the gentle harmonious ‘taai klap’ awakening that is facilitated by Fiona. Thank you” Charlene – Bryanston (1)

Review of the Initiation into the High Priesthood Training Course

I started off not knowing where this would take me, but I was completely guided by Spirit that I had to do this course.

I knew that this course was not to be taken lightly, I intuitively knew that a lot of Soul searching, reflecting and “home work” on my part would have too be done if I wanted to take advantage of everything, Spirit was calling me too do. 

I started with level 1 and kept moving up the levels, none were easy, it took you too your very core, to heal, release and grow.

But with each understanding, and new information, I was so grateful to be going through this process.

I definitely recommend this course to whoever feels drawn to it.

Fiona is a wonderful teacher, who helps you too understand what you are feeling and guides you all the way and She will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank-you Fiona, for being my guiding Light.

Just remember that you have to do your “home work” in order to gain the full experience.

Love and True Light

Candace Breedt


Testimonials of Fiona’s healings

Vanessa Roux recommends Portal of Alchemy. October 26 at 5:40 PM

“Some people are born Healers. Fiona is one of those special souls who is doing exactly what she is meant to do, and improving the world with her interactions with her clients. Thank you Fiona, your contribution to my life has been such a positive experience. You somehow always know exactly what your clients need and I am grateful for your guidance and for keeping me balanced!”


“The amazing power that this place held for me, restored me and created a renewed energy that infused reason and purpose to my existence. The bars session is so soul evoking and it gave me the “SOUND” shift I needed and I’m eternally grateful to the spiritual work that you do which redirected me to my path…Thank you, Love and light always ”

Candace Breedt recommends Portal of Alchemy.  September 4 ·

“Fiona is a very gifted Soul. I feel so comfortable with her and she is an amazing healer and teacher. I recommend her to anyone who wants to transform their lives. ♥️”

19/7/2018 Kerry came to see me 3 months ago being fed up with feeling unwell and tired, suffering from Rheumatoid Arthiritis for 5 years. After 3 tranformational sessions over a 3 month period this is the results :

“Hello Fiona: I have just been giving the most amazing news of my life. My Rheumatoid Arthritis is in full remission. I still have to continue taking my meds but can half the doses until Dec when I see my Rheumatologist again. I am just elated by this news.”

Now I ask you how can it get any better than this. I always hold the intent for the greatest outcome in each of my session. Whatever the client is ready to experience. I’m humbled and honoured for being a servant and helping people feel better.

Michelle Lottering “Thank you Fiona for an amazing session today. The environment is beautiful. The time spent in your space was gentle, loving and most of all, enlightening. I am excited about the way forward.”


The amazing power that this place held for me, restored me and created a renewed energy that infused reason and purpose to my existence. The bars session is so soul evoking and it gave me the “SOUND” shift I needed and I’m eternally grateful to the spiritual work that you do which redirected me to my path…Thank you, Love and light always ”

Candace Breedt recommends Portal of Alchemy.  September 4 ·

“Fiona is a very gifted Soul. I feel so comfortable with her and she is an amazing healer and teacher. I recommend her to anyone who wants to transform their lives. ♥️”


Fiona is an incredible healer who I would recommend to anyone. While the truth can be a tough pill to swallow, she is certainly not afraid to tell it like it is and be firm! Seeing Fi has completely changed my life for the better, many months down the line I am beginning to see the major shifts that were set in motion during our sessions together, what an incredible journey to walk! She is totally in tune and tapped in, knows exactly what is going on and has a strong connection to her spirit guides. A trip to see Fiona will leave you feeling lighter and ULTRA PRESENT, you’ve been warned! 

Nora Kunze  recommends Portal of Alchemy.

“Amazing Lady with exceptional love for helping people raising their vibration and getting to know who you really already are and living in that vibration. Highly recommend her! You are reactivating what was dormant in me for so long..the gratitude and awe that i am experiencing is so beautiful..the uniqueness and space you provide is amazing. Individually and collectively so experience to my hearts desire. Thank you. Being able to be vulnerable yet getting to know my strengths at the same time. Amazing Thank you for relocating  you are needed here”

“Good day Fiona. I want to thank you so much … for the shift in my energy and state of mind. I could genuinely smile as I left ur rooms… I’m more in control and feeling a world better. You certainly are an Earth Angel. God Bless u Hugs, Loveness Light Natasha”

“Hi Fiona,
I wanted to give you some feedback on happenings after Monday.
Firstly, I woke up with way more energy than I’ve had in a long time. I’ve not been to gym yet, but that’s because of all the other good stuff that’s been happening.
When I breathe I can now take a full breathe in & out. I don’t feel like I can’t take enough air in or even yawn properly.
My director set up a meeting with my company’s CEO, who wants to put me in touch with 2 of the heads of EOH. I had so much creativity I redesigned my whole CV – now it really represents what I can do. A consulting firm sent me a link to a freelance agency they’ve opened up where I can market my specialist skills directly instead of hoping a recruiter will  represent me properly. I’ve redone my entire LinkedIn profile & applied to 5+ chief of data / similar roles.
The biggest wow was this morning though. I’ve had a battle with SARS for 7 months on an outstanding tax rebate. This morning the literally called to apologise for all the trouble, paid my outstanding rebate AND interest for holding onto it so long!!!
I attribute all this to the good work you’ve done & can’t wait to see what next week holds  Thank you so much  Nikki”

Berenice de La Croix :  “Thanks for creating a safe, nurturing, respectful space for me to delve into past lives and explore themes that are relevant for where I am now. The insight I gained from the session has had far reaching consequences, making me more comfortable in using my power for good instead of fearing the abuse of power. I’m still digesting everything and applying the learning to my life as I unfold day by day. Thanks for the beautiful work you do to support us becoming all we can be.” Beryl Doyle wrote on 22-2-2017:

“My dearest Fiona,
I don’t know where to start telling you and all who may be interested in my story.
Not only am I having the most wonderful learning experience at MetaVarsity Durban. I have been on this journey for 25 years, but in the last months at the Portal of Alchemy, what I have learned here, is more than what I have learned in 25 years together. The Spiritual Growth has been phenomenal.
Today I had a past life regression healing session with Fiona. All I can say is WOW! I went on the most amazing journey taking me full circle. Much crying, releasing and letting go of the many lives that were sad and grey and very lonely to the most incredible joy and light to moving into pure energy. What a feeling.
Thank you Fiona for being the most incredible teacher and healer. I see you as a true Being of Light
Love you, Beryl”

“I just wanted to say thank u. U changed my life. One meditation session and healing literally changed my life. I came with intention of just checking it and I left a different person. It’s learning everyday but u opened the door for me. You don’t know how bad I was before. All the doctors all the tablets nothing worked. I went for reiki hypnotherapy spent thousands and no one could help me. For first time in my life I can say I’m happy. I don’t have perfect life but now it doesn’t seem hopeless. U made the bad seen not so bad anymore. And I’m grateful.
I mean my problems are still there but u have me the tools to deal with it.
So thank u again. And I will come again for the second part. Love and Light” Shira 5 star March 6, 2017

Candice King  · Fiona I can’t explain the shift that took place after my past life regression. A very powerful and healing experience that was such an important step in my healing and spirtual journey. Thank you for guiding me through this process ♡♡”


“You are a rare soul and I’m eternally grateful to have been led to you for guidance on my spiritual path and self awakening.”


“Fiona! What an amazing spiritual soul. Thank you for an awesome, mind blowing session. I have finally found what I have been searching for. Can’t wait for my next session. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you..”

” Hi Fiona, thank you so much for this morning. I really appreciate all that you are and all that you do. I’m feeling so much better. So relieved, so alive and so grateful. You’re beautiful inside and out and I thank SPIRIT for bringing me to you. Wishing you beautiful Thursday. Stay blessed. Love and light always. ?” Ushika

“Oh My! Fiona.. bless you for sharing this unique experience of Oneness  and love and thank you for our 11:11:11 Consciousness, our hearts have been filled with so much love it is almost tangible. I, personally  have been given a most awesome gift of pure love and my physical vibrations are resonating with the higher energies which will be my protection against what is to come, this protection extends to all who have felt the Matrix vibrational energies.  Light and love to you for being the conduit during this auspicious enlightenment.
Your siStar” Athney

” Dear Fiona. Sorry for the late message. Thank you so so much for an incredible session today. I’m so glad that Spirit asked for us to do that. Brought back a lot of memories and by reading the book and watching the movie I feel at ease knowing that my cousins contract was written that way. I was prepared. You truly are amazing and I’m glad that our paths have crossed. I’m looking forward to my spiritual journey with you by my side. I didn’t even ask as I was in such awe of my experience. Thanks again. Have an absolute wonderful evening. ???Ushika”

2016/06/23 Erica Anderson: “Ek dink aan die laaste jaar en die trauma wat ek deur is om die les te leer…..ek kan nie genoeg dankie sê vir jou nie. Jy was elke stap met my….my gehelp die kere wat ek in absolute vreesbevange paniek jou gebel het…het jy my gehelp verstaan: False Evidence Appearing Real.  And because of these life lessons, I have become more me….I have become the me I’ve always wanted to be….and the me I was always destined to be. Thank you “

Bars testimonial:
2016/10/20 ” What the bars sessions from Fiona made me realise is dat i am the only problem I will ever have and I am the solution. I am an infinite being and there is no limit to my potential. I am not where I want to be, but it gives me peace to see some of the limitations I had slowly shifting. So thank u Fiona. ?? ” Sbonelo

Bars: Access Consciousness distant session testimonials:

02/08/2016 Joan from Jhb wrote: “Do you need a shift in your life? Sometimes we need a push, new perspective, or just letting go of all the old shit. I just had an incredible session with Fiona van Rensburg – my wacky sister. I have resisted doing this for years. And when I researched all this “Bars” stuff, I was not that impressed Until I had a session. She did it remotely for me …and yes, I move quickly and get things quickly (no patience), but she moved at my pace and everything was spot on. So …I highly recommend that if you ready to let go of crap, insecurities, fear and want to move into a better space (whatever that is for you), then contact Fiona.”

01/06/2016 Wanda (in UK) wrote  “RUNNING YOUR BARS (shifting limiting programming energetically is the best I can describe it)  I had no idea this existed, nor could I expect the profound effect of it!  Fiona van Rensburg did a session that lasted about an hour via Skype for me today. It was such a wonderful transcending experience. I could feel the surges of energy streaming into my head, nearly as if it was being screwed in without pain. I was always aware of being held in a warm and loving space.  I am still buzzing and an unexplained excitement resides with me!  Bless you Fiona and the very important work you do on our planet shining your bright light!

24-06-2016 Testimonial of Bars @Portal of Alchemy ” Hi fiona just an update on my being? I am great I have done 2 couches and a chair for resale and sold them all!! Also the furniture sales are pumping so I don’t know if the financial bars have opened up! I go to sleep and am choosing fabrics or designing things! So creativity is flowing also. I am also mediating. So conclusion I know where. I am going and that’s great ? thank you for giving me the tools for the progression of myself soul and Spirit. See you soon ? ” Sara

06-07-2016 Testimonial of Bars @Portal of Alchemy “Dearest Fiona,  Thank you Fiona for a wonderful session yesterday. I still cannot get over the amount of energy I felt after leaving your place.  I felt like I was walking on air and felt absolutely  rejuvenated.  My mind is so much clearer now and I feel a sense of relief. Only focusing on the positive! Thank you for your kindness, your empathy and your compassion. I can’t wait for my next session…  Love and Light  “Ushika

Testimonial from client’s crossing over session with me:
27/05/2016 ” Good morning. Thank you for a wonderful & blessed session ystday. U are so experienced in ur field that it’s unbelievable. At 1st when I lay on the bed I had no expectations. Nothing made sense. My mind was over working & I was filled with everything else other than calm n peace. I am thankful & grateful 2 u 4 allowing me the opportunity 2 experience this. Words can’t begin 2 express hw I felt about my session. I hardly slept last night. I kept googling about archangels etc bec of my fascination n my experience. My in laws brought new meaning 2 the way I look at life. I felt their love. And again all tanx 2 u 4 making it possible. God bless u.” Sagree

October 20, 2014 ·Thank you for this Beautiful page. Liefs Monika Berth !!!

Fazila Bizior(in Jhb) reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star February 18 , 2016·”Wow I had a reading set up with Fiona but she quickly advised exactly what else was required. We had an online Skype session but it was as effective as being in the same room with Fiona. Thank you for helping me identify and get beyond an obstacle I have been feeling for a long time but didn’t realise the full extent of it. Fiona is very caring and thoughtful. Even though it was the first time we had chatted I felt safe and comfortable very quickly. Her words come from a place of love, caring and non-judgement. Will definitely be seeing Fiona when I am down in Durban for a face-to-face session. Much love and gratitude.”

Tripta Pahlajani (in India) reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star February 1, 2016 ·”Fiona! Fiona ! Fiona! Fiona is a true Darling! She is my earth angel for sure! Just had a session with her n she got me out of a total state of depression, despair where I could not think positive, could not see clearly, could not stop my tears , could not forgive myself to a total state of pure bliss, Peace, Joy, n Harmony where I just can’t stop smiling now.. Fiona, u caste a magic spell on me.. N at such a short notice.. Thank u Thank u Thank u I’m truly blessed to have u in my life to guide me Love you”

Barbara Willis reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star January 19, 2016 ·”Fiona has helped me so much. From the moment I arrived and her cat welcomed me and melted my heart, to her last hugs as I left, I felt safe, protected and the healing had begun. An experience I will treasure as one of the most powerful and memorable shifts I have ever felt.”

Zaheed Khan reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star January 16, 2016 ·”Fiona is a fantastic person to work with. I had the most amazing healing session with her. She is very pleasant and very empathic. Her understanding of your problems and her ability to make you see them clearly is amazing. Fiona is highly professional and most importantly has your interests at heart. I would recommend her highly to anyone who wishes to connect deeper with their higher selves.”

Claire Wilson reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star January 14, 2016 ·”I had my second session with Fiona this week and can’t wait for the next! The positive change in me is phenomenal. Thank you for setting me free. Thank you for the light you bring to the world”

Cheryl Eley reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star December 18, 2015 · On 24 April this year, Fiona van Rensburg of Portal of Alchemy kindly gave a talk on, “The Law of Attraction and You”, to “Women Empowering Women”, a support group for abused women which I facilitate. The talk was inspirational, interesting and informative, and was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by all the ladies. Fiona, is intuitive, very positive, empathetic with the ability to inspire and raise the energy of a group. The positive energy, love, light and sense of hope which Fiona brought into the group remained long after she departed. Thank you, Fiona for contributing to a very successful and memorable meeting! “Cheryl Lorien Eley ~ Support Group Co-Facilitator Lifeline Crisis Counsellor/Facilitator of probationer counsellors.

Tilanie Meierhans reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star December 18, 2015 ·”Wonderful experience at Portal of Alchemy with Fiona van Rensburg”

Wanda Grobler Nowak (in UK) reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star  December 18, 2015 ·”Fiona is extremely knowledgable and creates such a safe space for healing and transformation.   Most of my sessions takes place via Skype and are as effective as being in the same room. I experience real vibratory shifts and energy confirmation during our time on line.  She always seem to know what to work on. This is helping me much with my own studies in Metaphysics.  A true blessing and Lightworker!”

Colette Leshem (in Insrael) reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star December 2, 2015 ·”Thank you so very much Fiona for the wonderful activation session we had today. To think you were brought to me through a meditation I did yesterday – I am still positively blown away by the magical connection that is available to us all. Since our session this morning, I am in a sense of euphoria and literally flying. Thank you sweet, beautiful light being that you are and thank you to the Divine. Bless you all  Looking forward to our next session.”

Sunita Sunita Ramkisoon reviewed Portal of Alchemy — 5 star  April 29, 2014 ·”Exceptional guidance! That I’m truly grateful For! Super thanks For The amazing PAGE”

To whom it may concern

“Fiona is a wonderful intuitive healer and empath, and offers healing and Light activation sessions using Light frequency tools, healing rays, reiki and crystals. She is a master teacher and workshop facilitator, mother, Light worker and messenger of God ~ truly an amazing individual with incredible gifts and services ”  ~ Anrita Melchizedek  

“To whom it may concern

My name is Deshani,  If you are reading this it means that you are interested in the Portal Of Alchemy. Here is my experience, I remember feeling very emotional and physical drained. I went for a healing session at the Portal Of Alchemy and the feeling and visual experience was more than just healing and releasing pent-up emotions and fears but of spiritually awakening.  We are all energy beings and Fiona and Nathan helped me see that. Besides helping me see my spirit path, I gained so much more from this place.  The friendship, the trust and a knowing that I am not alone on my journey to spiritually enlightenment.  Enjoy your journey at the Portal Of Alchemy…

Love and light” ~ Deshani Chetty

To Whom it may concern:

“Fiona performed a long-distance Merkabah activation on me, while I was in Dubai and she in South Africa, and I had a major breakthrough in my inner world as a result thereof. Each person I believe, is at a different level, experiencing his/her own phenomenon in terms of awareness. Fiona’s activations should be taken periodically, as the shift in awareness is an ongoing process. I highly recommend this unique experience. Fiona’s genuine interest, care and connectivity with her own energy, is the reason I trust her. Fiona’s talent to perform activations with positive results, are rare, and I’ve benefitted substantially.”  Maria Small – Dubai

To all prospective Clients to the Portal of Alchemy

Fiona is an amazing empath, intuit and healer. I can highly recommend her, as she has mastered of all the qualities that the Integrated Natural Health Practitioner should have. She works from the heart, in accordance with the Metatronic principles of integrity and impeccability, and her counseling skills are great!  Experiencing an AEH session with her is akin to rediscovery of Self, and connecting with your Soul Source, through her empathic and attentive spiritual counseling methods.  You cannot be in better hands  ~ Dr. Deon van Aswegen

“Fiona is an amazing healer and person. Her healing work is done with utmost love and sincerity. I will go back again and again. “~ Wendy Ramsamy on May 30, 2012 “I had a Light Body Activation by Fiona SilverButterfly Van Rensburg, this morning, it was amazing.  The light ahead is so bright and I can’t wait for the bliss to engulf the Earth.” ~ Wendy Ramsamy

Recommendation: “I went to Fiona for a Chakra Balancing session and walked out , not only feeling a whole lot more balanced , but also , with so much more to work with . I found her energy and that of her guides , most invigorating . So much so that I am now on a renewed quest to unfold the next chapter of my own growth .” Terry Cox Jul 2012 “Good morning. Thank you for a wonderful evening again. I so look forward to our Thursday night meditation group. Always enlightening and entertaining and soooo much growth happening in all of us . Thank you , Thank you , Thank you “ ~ Terry Cox

“You know those people who are so inspirational, so kind, so giving, selfless? The kind of person who makes you WANT to be a better person? I’m so incredibly blessed to know one of them.  One in particular! Please go have a look!  Fiona – ‘Portal of Alchemy’  Thank you for the constant inspiration to LIVE LIFE!  You have saved me more times than you will ever know.  In love & light… ~ Tanya Hawthorne“

Date: 9/11/2012 Endorsement ” I have been seeing Fiona for a while now – even Healers need to take time out for themselves.Fiona recently did my part 2 LBA, coincidentally on the day of the Blue Moon (31.8.2012) & shortly after we attended a full moon drumming event at a local beach where we were blessed with large Orbs over & around us. Indeed an endorsement on it’s own!  Fiona is a very gifted Healer & is always available to give support & guidance.  Thank you Fiona for coming into my life & helping me on my Journey.” ~ Jennifer Harris McGarvie

“Fiona I would like to thank you for a very interesting and relaxing afternoon receiving your wonderful energy and balancing. I really felt so mellow for the rest of the evening.  I would also like to thank you for opening your home every Thursday evening so we can all get together and share our thoughts, feelings and meditate with like-minded people. You always seem to make it so interesting. Lotsa love ” ~ Joan Cox”

“Dear Fiona,  I would like to thank you for your help, I feel totally a different person and that fear I had is all gone. I will recommend other people to you anytime because it is worth the while.  You are great and you rock mate.  Have an awesome day and I will keep you posted.  Regards ~ Anita Oosthuizen, Australia”

“Fiona has that special gift. To pull you back from the brink of your disillusion and to ground you very quickly, taking you to a place where you find your own core ; she helps me find that centre in me which I yearn for and lose touch with.  I am lucky to have found her . Thank you.” Best wishes, ~ Michele Higginson

27 February 2013  Thank you for an amazing transformational coaching and healing session today. You truly are an amazing person and a very gifted healer. ~ Frances Degbor

28/02/2013 “Thanks for the MP3 guided meditation recordings. I have enjoyed them all. As usual very inspiring and spiritual. Thank you. Warmest regards with love and light.” John A. A. Poltera

This is what Margie Turner had to say about the Keys to Manifestation workshop: “Hi Fiona, Thank you so much for the manifestation workshop in May 2013. It helped me alot and I have learned about how to change my thoughts and thinking about how I am blocking myself. Lots of love and blessings Margie”

Hi Fiona  A VERY BIG THANK YOU for the amazing healing session yesterday. I am truly grateful for the time that you spent with me and all your support and advise.  You have shown me things about my life that I was previously not able to see or understand clearly. I now have a better understanding of my souls purpose and my journey forward. I now feel empowered to face the challenges in my life with a new found vigour.  I cannot thank you enough and am truly blessed to have come into contact with you.  Looking forward to seeing you again.  Kind regards, ~ Aruna

Its messages like these that make me love what I do :

“Hi Fiona, I do not know how can I ever thank you for what you did for me Saturday. Truly I was led to you by a Higher power. I can see the big change! Thank you a million times! I felt the connection to God I once had. What a great manifestation, I cried so much. For so long my soul longed for this connection I felt as if God turned a deaf ear on my cries but the universe heard my cries and God sent me to you. Thank you for bringing restoration in me. Its unbelievable, its like a dream. Will see you soon. Thanks, Patience”

Aug 2012 “Thank u Fiona for the time you spent with me.  I feel a different person now. It really helped to open up to someone who was not related to me.  I can’t begin to describe da calm that has settled over me. I feel at peace with myself.  Once again THANK YOU. “ Sharon Pillay

“Hi Fiona… I loved my session with you. It is great in this year of transition to get alignment and energy balancing with work of magical Butterfly energy healers. Have a great day:-)” Bhavini Kalan – Johannesburg

Apl 2012  “Thanks to Fiona SilverButterfly Van Rensburg for the allignment yesterday. Feel like a Trillion Dollar Gal! Your special gifts guided me into timeless infinite possibilities. Just what I needed! Much love…”  Chantaul Jordan

“Thanx a great deal for today Fiona, was truly an out of this world experience, I’m soo excited about our journey, I feel I still have so much to learn. You are truly gifted and it amazes me that my guides approved of you before I even met you. I’m glad and truly grateful that I met you.” Jabu Mabaso posted to Fiona van Rensburg ~ September 2013

“To whom it may concern

My experience with Fiona at the Portal of Alchemy was extremely transcending and transformational in my spiritual growth. I had difficulty over coming certain subconscious blocks within myself. Fiona assisted and guided me by breaking down these walls/limited belief patterns that I had created for myself and allowing me to access information from my higher self and unlocking my true potential. Her guidance is loving, refreshing and considerate. I believe her spiritual path is primarily to empower us. I strongly will recommend Fiona to anyone who wishes to move up to higher understanding of consciousness and who requires guidance and balance in their lives.

Truth, Unconditional Love and White Light”~Nathan Doorasamy Psychic Holistic Healer

Testimonials from June 2018’s  Spiritual Development Circle:
Jarque — “Enjoyed the practical. Found the development Circle interesting”
Jacquie – “Love the group. Very informative. Very different”
Vanessa – “A bit more challenging than the last session, however I received a lot of food for thought! Thanks Fiona for Facilitating”
Nora  -  “It was the first workshop I attended with Fiona. I thoroughly enjoyed it ant it was an amazing circle of people. What I loved is that each one could be themselves and Fiona held a very sacred space for each of us as well as the collective circle. It is very uplifting and very helpful for myself on the journey that I am on. I look forward to the next workshop.”

Testimonials from May 2018’s  Spiritual Development Circle:
Yvette — “Grateful to have been a part of this powerful and profound transformational healing workshop today. ”
Vanessa — “Thank you Fiona van Rensburg for this special experience and for your inspiration. What an amazing group of people, I can’t wait for the next session!”
Krinell – “Had an amazing experience at the Spiritual and Personal Development Circle yesterday. So enlightening and healing under the guidance and mentorship of Fiona. Very grateful and blessed to have been part of it and will be attending upcoming circles for sure! Would highly recommend to all those seekers out there that are prepared to grow in awareness and further their journey within.  Thank you Fiona and all that attended was such a magical class together‍ looking forward to many more!”
Thomas – “Thank you Fiona and Ladies . an awesome experience. Looking forward to next one x”
Rachelle – “Hi everyone, and especially Fiona.   Today was phenomenal.   I am on an enlightened high.  So very grateful for having shared today with everyone.”

Life Purpose 2017 Workshop testimonials:

Cathy: Very Good – to Infinity and beyond! Thank you for affirming my journey. Can recommend it to others, YES

Carly: Yes, I would recommend the course. Absolutely loved it. Just want I needed for myself at this time of my life. Thank you!

Candice: Wow wow wow is all I can say. What an amazing day of self discovery. A really great workshop that lets you dig deep into what your soul purpose is. I had amazing revelations and realizations today. The information shared was amazing!

Sue: A beautiful sized group, lots of laughter and good food. Very enlightening. Thank you Fiona

Mel: This course is full of practical advice that I can start using immediately. I would definitely recommend the course. Thank you again Fiona”

Abundance Manifestation Workshop 28/1/2017 :

Feedback from today’s workshop
Anisha’s : “Many realisations were confirmed in this session. It has been enlightening, educational and fun. I learned and now understand why so many experiences occurred as they did. This class creates a larger understanding on a broad spectrum of topics. I take back with me confidence in me, confirmation of a lot of thoughts and conclusions previously realised. Thank you ♡”
Raksha’s : “Very good to refresh on believing in what you want and resonating. I feel that my thoughts on cos creation are reaffirmed.”
Parish’s : “This course has opened up so much for me. I feel like, if I hadn’t completed this course, I would have continued to paddle upstream… Looking for peace. Thank you Fiona, thank you Angels, thank you Spirit, thank you Source. I am now willing to now go with the flow, downstream” 

Antara : “As I entered today’s session, I was rather clustered and zoned. I felt much better after the meditation. Session was highly informative. Fiona is always guiding us with knowledge of past experiences. I always enjoy the Portal as I feel welcomed. I will ensure to manifest all I desire. I have a lot of blockages released, great people, great vibrations. Thank you always for the upliftment”

Testimonials for Abundance Manifestation Workshop 2016:
Nosipho “I had so much fun! Received great info and practical applicable advice on what has been holding me back from manifesting the life of my highest calling and tips and tools for the journey to being the highest version of myself”
Verena “This workshop has reinforced messages given throughout the week. I think it’s important for people to go through this process to learn how to address their fears as well as understand that fears are normal even if they are self-inflicted”
Jessica “I leaned that I need to surrender and believe. I need to live for myself and not worry about other people holding me to my words. To forget the “I” and think of working with others to achieve my vision. And drop the ego”
Erica “Today was a spring clean for my mind”
Barbara “I met wonderful people and realised that we are all the same despite age differences and background differences. We are unique but the same. You are me and I am you”

Testimonial from Spiritual and Personal Development Program run once a month:
2016/10/22 “When I arrived at The Portal of Alchemy seven months ago, I had no idea what to expect and my reason for going there was to meet some new people.  There were three ladies present who were warm, wonderful people who I felt I could talk to without being judged and although I had never been particularly religious or spiritually inclined, I realized, that day, that I belonged there and also how much I needed to learn and understand.With Fiona’s help I have learned so much about myself and my life’s purpose. I have learned to let go of so many things which were the result of a lifetime of incorrect thinking and which I have allowed to hold me back from enjoying my life.I have learned to put my trust in God and the Universe and not let my life be governed by fear, anxiety, superstition and compulsive behaviour.I have learned to understand myself and my relationship to other people which has helped me to be less critical and more accepting of others.I am now much more conscious of feelings of superiority / inferiority, self pity and resentment as being destructive to myself and my relationship with other people.
Finally, I have learned to live in the present and not worry about past or future events.
Lately I have started to feel happy and content for no real reason other than the change brought about in my life since I met Fiona. I know there’s still a lot to learn but I also know that I’m on the right path. ” Love and light Barbara V

Testimonials of Meditation Circles :
23-06-2016  Dereck :” Was a beautiful meditation last night and lovely people present.  Helped strengthen the soul and energy.” Thank you
Helene “Thanks for the meditation last night it was very special”
Alex “Yeah was great last night with awesome new people …we are truly blessed to have you Fiona”

Testimonial of the Practitioner Course

Practitioner Course – Merkabah & DNA  Activation

“Hello Fiona, At first I was very nervous as to what was going to happen and what I was going to learn, I just knew that I had to be there and experience what it was I was going to experience. Everything was presented beautifully, I was so happy to receive a file with all the notes in, so that I could go back and check items that I wasn’t sure about. Thank you so much for this. The shift in energy that you and your Lightworkers are providing for that person is a very intense energy and makes great shifts within themselves. The clients life would have shifted into such a better alignment with love and light. I felt better once I had practised on you, I felt that I could use my intuition much more and had a definite sense that I was being guided and trusted the process 100%, which was a wonderful feeling. I felt more confident that I would be able help people with this beautiful energy. This energy that we were working with is absolutely amazing, the frequency is so high and lovely. I have felt such a change this week. I am definitely projecting much more love and trusting in the flow of the universe, I am practising to quite my mind and listen for signs from the universe and if I am guided to do something in the house I trust that spirit is guiding me to do so. You presented and taught the course 100%, your beautiful energy surrounded us while we were busy and you were patient with me, when I kept getting left behind. Thank you so much for such a wonderful weekend of spiritual growth I would recommend this to everyone on this planet earth. I would like to thank you so much for all the other information that you provided me with on various other subjects that weren’t related to the course, but we were guided by spirit to talk about. 

I wanted to let you know that the second weekend of the DNA Activation’s workshop was really incredible. The energies that we experienced while we were busy with the upgrades as well as holding space for each other, was truly beautiful. Especially learning about the chimes and actually using them, and not being afraid to add my own bit of intuition, my own special magic. Thank you so much for allowing that. I learnt that I need to trust myself more and stop doubting myself that I am not good enough, that I don’t have talent to do healing, and shinning of the True Golden Light. Thank you for being a Blessing in My Life, for being the light to ignite my fire inside. You are an amazing Teacher and Healer you are such an incredible person, please don’t ever forget that.

Thank you so much for all the amazing information you have given me, I am truly grateful. Hope that you a very Blessed week, and keep shinning your light. Have a Blessed and Loved Day. In Love and True Light.” Candace Leanne Breedt


Hi Fiona
I thoroughly enjoyed this course & working with Fiona.  She is a sensitive,  patient & understanding teacher. I have a curious mind & every question was respectively dealt with in detail.
This was not just a course but a true awakening & tremendous inner growth.
I am grateful & thankful with the understanding & knowledge I have gained.
Thank you & Bless you Fiona


“Being a healer myself, I wanted to expand the offerings to my clients, so I  completed Level 1 and Level 2 Light Body and DNA Activation courses under Fiona’s guidance in 2017.

Having experienced both one-to-one sessions and workshops with Fiona, I can truly say she is an amazing healer and workshop facilitator. Her training is well planned and she is very knowledgeable. She  provides comprehensive and very informative course material and notes.

I learned so much, and would highly recommend these courses and sessions to anyone wanting to raise their awareness, expand their knowledge, and lift their vibration and those of others during this time of planetary change.  Love1 and light Sarisha

Copyright  © June 2010 Portal Of Alchemy

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