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High Priesthood Training


Dates, times, costs

when & where

High Priesthood Training

When : Book your group min 5

Where: ONLINE via ZOOM

Duration :  7 x 1 hour sessions​

Investment : US$900 for course pp for one-on-one 

(For rates in South Africa email me)


This training is done over a 7 day/week period, with one initiation per day/week, and can be done one-on-one or in a group setting. Please enquire about my group rates for 6 or more people. 



+27 82 788 1413

High Priesthood Training


If you are drawn to work through your Beloved I Am Presence, as an initiate of Light, and wish to experience a more consciousness understanding of ancient Egyptian and Atlantean Mystery School Priesthood teachings through the Halls of Amenti while experiencing and remembering many wonderful Ascended Master Skills then this program is for you.


The High Priesthood Training takes you into a deeper understanding of the Qabala, sacred geometry, rays, and initiations, and is Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, who brings through these ancient and universal teachings of Light, adapted from the Temple teachings in ancient Egypt and Atlantis. These teachings awaken the remembrance of initiations of Self Mastery in parallel realities, as the dormant DNA is activated, and the immortal etheric chromosomes are potentially activated.


These seven initiations, undertaken in Soul consciousness through the Halls of Amenti, further bring with them a deeper actualization of your I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light through building your multidimensional bodies of Light as well as a unified focus of Service in Love to the Divine through advanced Self Mastery Training. Accessing the Halls of Amenti has only been available to initiates of Light since June 2001 and many Light workers and starseeded ones are now ready to receive the wisdom teachings available through this time space continuum outside of our time space.


The Halls of Amenti were built by 32 Children of Light after the original Fall from Grace, with the assistance of the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. This curved time space found near the center of our hollow Earth beneath the Bermuda Triangle was furthermore the location of Atlantis. These Children of Light warped space and as they bound it to Earth, formed the Halls of Amenti. It was further divided into nine smaller spaces, and within each exists a Cosmic Consciousness directly related to the nine dimensional levels available to Humanity. The multidimensional bodies of Light you build as you undergo the training to the Priesthood are directly related to these dimensions, these pockets of space found in the Halls of Amenti. These multidimensional bodies of Light are your Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal bodies respectively, and lift you in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God and the realms of Illumined Truth. This training includes activating your Light Body/Merkaba, higher chakra anchorings, creating the appropriate axiatonal alignments, Christed energy fields and sacred geometries around the body as they relate to the rays through Jacob’s Ladder and the Halls of Amenti, while offering advanced Ascended Master Training such as telepathy, advanced healing techniques, transfiguration, manifestation of creative thought, reading of the Akashic Records, the potential activation of the immortal chromosomes and much more. This information was channeled through Star Councils and the Order of Melchizedek, based upon teachings from The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program). This training will take you through the Left Eye of Horus, and the balancing of the emotional body through Divine Love, into the Right Eye of Horus, the higher mind teachings of wisdom and Light.


These teachings are available to all seekers of the Light, but require a particular level of commitment and dedication. It is suggested that you start with the first initation, and proceed sequentially from here.

Blessings and much Love






First level Priesthood Initiation – The Gardener

In this visualization, you will undertake the first part of your training to the Priesthood, and at this level, you will be known as The Gardener. You travel in Soul Consciousness to the Halls of Amenti through Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber Ascension Seat with Thoth as your Master Guide. Upon passing through the gates of Amenti, Thoth will take you before the seven Great Lords of Amenti. After you have been introduced to the seven Lords, led by three High Priests, and Overlighted by Lord Untanas, the Cosmic Master of the third dimension, you will be taken to The Temple of Goodwill and Divine Intelligence, to commence this training. This training requires that you build your Planetary body of Light, which extends around you in a golden bubble the size of your body, approximately 6 feet in diameter, and build the appropriate Christed Planetary frequencies. You will additionally anchor the first seven higher dimensional chakras from the crown chakra to the base chakra, in a red and yellow color, depicting the higher aspects of the first and third rays respectively. For the completion of this training in the Priesthood, you will focus on Planetary Light work as a Protector and Peace Ambassador to this Earth plane.





Second level Priesthood Initiation – The Steward

In this session, you will commence the second level of your Priesthood training, in which you will be known as The Steward. You will consciously Soul travel through your fourth dimensional portal to the related fourth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Overlighted by Lord Quertas, the ruling Lord of this dimension, Chohan Kuthumi and with Thoth as one of your Master Guide, you will travel to The Temple of the Love-Wisdom to complete this training. To initialize this training, you will anchor the circuitry for your fourth dimensional Solar body of Light. Your Solar body extends 6.04 feet in diameter around you in a beautiful copper-gold bubble, and you will anchor the next seven chakras (8 -14), in descending order from chakra fourteen, from the fourth dimensional portal as it is found just above the crown chakra, to the sacral center in a beautiful blue color through the Monadic focus of the second ray of Love-Wisdom as well as activate the sacred geometry of the cube. Following this, you will work with advanced Ascended Master skills to release any fears you might have, and further develop the gift of telepathy.







Third level Priesthood Initiation – The Warden

In this guided visualization, you are going to work with the eighth ray of Transcendence to complete the third level of your Priesthood training, known as The Warden. You consciously Soul travel through your fifth dimensional portal to the related fifth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Through the Light of Lady Nada, and Overlighted by Lord Chietal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, you will enter into The Temple of Transcendence to complete this training. To initialise this training, you will anchor the circuitry for your fifth dimensional body of Light, your Interstellar body, which extends 7.2 feet in diameter around you in a silver bubble of Light as well as activate the sacred geometry of the octahedron. Additionally, you will anchor the next seven chakras (15-21), from the fifth dimensional portal found 0.6 feet above the crown chakra, to the solar plexus center in a beautiful luminescent seafoam green and violet color through the higher ray qualities of the eighth ray of Transcendence. Following this, you will be given advanced healing techniques working through the DNA and your original Divine eight-cell blueprint to repair damaged cells energetically and transmute old cellular memories.






Fourth level Priesthood Initiation – The Servant

In this guided visualization, you are going to work with the ninth ray of Highest Potentials and the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron to complete the fourth level of your Priesthood training. You consciously Soul travel through your sixth dimensional portal to the related sixth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Overlighted by the Chohan Mother Mary, Lord Goyana, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of of Highest Potentials to complete this training. To complete the fourth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Servant, you will anchor the circuitry for your sixth dimensional body of Light, your Galactic body. Additionally, you will anchor the next seven chakras (22-28) from the sixth dimensional portal, 2.4 feet above the head, to the heart center, in a luminescent blue-green color, through the Monadic focus on the ninth ray of Highest Potentials. Following this, you will focus on the physical manifestation of creative thought, through working with the Angels of the four elements.







 Fifth level Priesthood Initiation – The Lesser Priest

In this channeling, you are ready to complete the fifth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Lesser Priest, and take on an Ambassadorial role at a deeper level of Service in Love to this Earth plane. You consciously Soul travel through your seventh dimensional portal to the related seventh dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Overlighted by the Chohan Allah Gobi, Lord Huertal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of  Divinity. For this training, you will initially anchor the circuitry for your seventh dimensional Intergalactic body of Light, which extends 12 feet in diameter around you in a golden color. Additionally, you will anchor the next seven chakras (29-35), from the seventh dimensional portal, 3 feet above the head, to the throat chakra in a beautiful pearlescent color through the Monadic focus of the tenth ray of Divinity and activate the sacred geometry of the icosahedron. To complete this training, you will be taken into the Akashic records, and be given techniques to read the energy matrix of your Self and others through the energy of the tenth ray.






 Sixth level Priesthood Initiation – The Priest

To complete the sixth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Priest, you consciously Soul travel through your eighth dimensional portal to the related eighth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Overlighted by the Chohan Quan Yin, Lord Semveta, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Brotherhood of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of Illumined Truth to complete this training. You will initially anchor the circuitry for your eighth dimensional body of Light, your Universal body, which extends 16.8 feet in diameter around you in a platinum color. Additionally you will anchor the next seven chakras (36-42), from the eighth dimensional portal, as it is found 5.4 feet above the head, to the third eye in a beautiful pink-orange color through the Monadic focus of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth, and activate the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron. Following this, you will focus on the Ascended Master skill of transfiguration, in building your I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light and in raising the vibratory rate of your physical body, and to further “youth” your body to appropriately support you in the creation of your radiant etheric electronic body of Light.







Seventh level Priesthood Initiation – The High Priest

In this guided visualization, you will complete the seventh level of your Priesthood training, known as The High Priest. You consciously Soul travel through your ninth dimensional portal to the related ninth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Overlighted by the Chohan Pallas Athena, Lord Ardal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Mahatma and Mother/Father God, you will enter into The Temple of One Unity Consciousness to complete this training, and experience the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. To commence this training, you will anchor the circuitry for your ninth dimensional body of Light, your Multi-Universal body, which extends 54 feet in diameter around you in a beautiful shimmering diamond color, holding the focus of Melchizedek Consciousness. With the assistance of Ascension Coning Members, you will anchor the next seven chakras (43-49), from the ninth dimensional portal, as it is found 24 feet above the head, to the crown chakra in a beautiful golden color through the Monadic focus of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. For this initiation, you will enter into the cold flames of the eternal Flower of Life, and experience the activation of your Immortal chromosomes, and the anchoring of your 50th chakra. Following this, you will be taken before the Lord of Death, who will free you from the cycle of death, ending with a focus on interdimensional travel into parallel realities and dimensions of Light.

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Feedback from clients ...

"I started off not knowing where this would take me, but I was completely guided by Spirit that I had to do this course.

I knew that this course was not to be taken lightly, I intuitively knew that a lot of Soul searching, reflecting and “home work” on my part would have too be done if I wanted to take advantage of everything, Spirit was calling me too do. 

I started with level 1 and kept moving up the levels, none were easy, it took you too your very core, to heal, release and grow.

But with each understanding, and new information, I was so grateful to be going through this process.

I definitely recommend this course to whoever feels drawn to it.

Fiona is a wonderful teacher, who helps you too understand what you are feeling and guides you all the way and She will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank-you Fiona, for being my guiding Light.

Just remember that you have to do your “home work” in order to gain the full experience.

Love and True Light"

Candace Breedt

+27 82 788 1413
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